
The Institute of Global Finance (IGF), a world class research centre, stands at the forefront of policy research, aimed at innovation, problem solving and achieving tangible outcomes related to four key themes: global financial stability, interconnectedness, national and global prosperity, and global financial governance. The IGF undertakes close and ongoing collaborative work with the World Bank, the ADB, the BIS, the RBA, BlackRock, the ASX, KPMG, PwC, other international organisations, and many eminent researchers and practitioners to ensure cohesion between research and tangible outcomes, including joint policy research, publications and engagements.

Since 2010, the IGF has worked collaboratively with the NYU Volatility and Risk Institute measuring systemic risk and financial stability. It generates weekly financial indicators including early warning signs about the health of large and small banks, and of the global financial system. The IGF website reports these complex, insightful weekly indicators, used by banks, central banks, financial markets and researchers around the world. These indicators also act as barometers to minimise or mitigate potential global financial crises.

The IGF has worked closely with the Asian Development Bank since 2010, producing joint policy publications and tangible outcomes on climate change and climate finance, the role of AI for regional and global financial stability, central bank digital currencies, cryptocurrencies, and how to increase the flow of financial resources and improve financial architecture to achieve the UN’s SDGs by 2030.