Radio and TV Programs

IGF Director, Professor Fariborz Moshirian, has appeared in the following Radio and TV programs:

Fariborz Moshirian discusses social, economic issues related to the upcoming G20 Summit with Bloomberg TV | 8 September, 2023

Fariborz Moshirian discusses the expected outcomes from the ASEAN summit in Indonesia on BBC TV | 5 September 2023

Director of the Institute of Global Finance says regulators are reflecting on the nature of Business Models of the Systemically Important banks -- Bloomberg TV | 20 March 2023

Director of the IGF discusses issues related to the US banking system on the BBC World Service News | 18 March 2023
The IGF Director discusses the way the US banking system operates and issues related to the medium size banks. 

Director of the IGF discusses issues related to global banking stability on BBC TV | 16 March 2023
Fariborz Moshirian, Director of the Institute of Global Finance says regulators are reflecting on the nature of Business Models of the Systemically Important banks.

Fariborz Moshirian discusses issues related to the Silicon Valley Bank and the US banking system on ABC TV, The Business |14 March 2023
The IGF Director discusses the way the US banking system operates and issues related to the medium size banks.

Fariborz Moshirian discusses what global risks to expect in 2022 on Bloomberg TV | 4 January 2022
Fariborz Moshirian discusses some of the risks and headwinds facing investors in the year ahead.

It’s unclear whether G-20 nations will unanimously agree on the global tax plan, expert says. Fariborz Moshirian, CNBC | 9 July 2020

Can the OECD pull together an international agreement on global corporate tax, Fariborz Moshirian discuss these issues on Live Australian Business and Market (Ausbiz) TV

How an international corporate tax could work, Fariborz Moshirian discusses global corporate tax on Live Australian Business and Market (Ausbiz) TV | 7 April 2021

How the U.K. government could have handled the coronavirus better amid concerns about a possible second wave -- CNBC | 13 August 2020

UK faces ‘enormous uncertainty’ from Covid-19 and Brexit: Expert, CNBC A TV interview on CNBC on the consequences of COVID 19 on the UK Economy -- CNBC | 24 June 2020

Fariborz Moshirian had an interview on the ABC National TV News on the impact of COVID 19 on the global economy -- ABC |18 March 2020

Fariborz Moshirian on Bloomberg TV Talking on Some of the Major Challenges and Opportunities for 2020 -- Bloomberg
Professor Fariborz Moshirian, director at the Institute of Global Finance, talks on some of the major challenges and opportunities for 2020. He speaks on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia." | 02 January 2020

Professor Fariborz Moshirian’s TV Interview on Bloomberg on Challenges Facing the UK and the EU-- Bloomberg
Professor Fariborz Moshirian, director at the Institute of Global Finance, speaks on Challenges facing the UK and the EU. He speaks on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia." | 14 December 2019

Possible to Get Brexit Deal Through by End of Week: Institute of Global Finance’s Moshirian -- Bloomberg
Fariborz Moshirian, director at the Institute of Global Finance, discusses Brexit negotiations and where he sees them heading. He speaks on “Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia.” | 22 Octorber 2019 |12:10 PM

Brexit backstop has not been resolved, expert says -- CNBC
The Irish backstop is still a stumbling block, says Fariborz Moshirian of the UNSW Business School. | 24 September 2019 | 1:49 AM

There will be an extension to Brexit if there’s no deal: Academic -- CNBC
The biggest risk is if Boris Johnson rejects the law, says Fariborz Moshirian, professor of finance at University of New South Wales. | 8 October 2019 | 2:49 AM

Suspending the UK parliament is an ‘incredible risk’: Professor -- CNBC
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s move to suspend parliament is a signal to the European Union that Britain will leave without a deal if the EU doesn’t show flexibility, says Fariborz Moshirian of the UNSW Business School. -29 August 2019 | 3:10 AM

Italian coalition is no longer working together, expert says -- CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian, director of The Institute of Global Finances at UNSW Business School, discusses the situation in Italian politics. -9 August 2019 | 1:34 AM

Has the Heyday of Central Bank Independence Died? -- Bloomberg
Fariborz Moshirian, professor and director of the Institute of Global Finance at University of New South Wales, talks about central bank independence. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan unexpectedly removed Murat Cetinkaya as central bank governor. Separately, President Donald Trump renewed his attack on the Federal Reserve, saying the central bank “doesn’t have a clue,. Moshirian speaks on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Australia." -8 July 2019 | 10:23 AM

Don’t discount the possibility of a second Brexit referendum: Prof -- CNBC
Many businesses in the U.K. are interconnected with the rest of the EU, and it would be “wishful thinking” to believe these relationships can be “simply” dismantled if or when Brexit happens, says Fariborz Moshirian of the UNSW Business School. - 7 June 2019 | 5:14 AM

Professor weighs in on who could be the next UK PM -- CNBC
There is “no question” former UK foreign security Boris Johnson could be a front-runner for the job should Prime Minister Theresa May resign, says Fariborz Moshirian of UNSW Business School. - 23 May 2019 | 12 AM

The Impact of EU Parliamentary Elections on Brexit -- CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian of UNSW Business School discusses the potential outcomes for Brexit. He says negotiations between the two major political parties in the U.K. are likely to continue. impact of EU parliamentary elections on Brexit - 6 May 2019 | 5:04 AM

Brexit: What Are the Next Steps for the U.K.? -- Bloomberg
Fariborz Moshirian, director of the University of New South Wales Institute of Global Finance, discusses the second vote on Theresa May’s Brexit deal, what’s ahead for the U.K. and his outlook for the economy. He speaks on “Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia.” - 13 Mar 2019 | 12:29 PM

The UK is in a 'fairly uncertain' time over Brexit, says professor -- CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian of the UNSW Business School says he doesn't see a general election being called in the U.K., though he says there is a possibility of a second referendum on Brexit. - 11 Mar 2019 | 4:23 AM

Discussing the UK Parliament's new independent group -- CNBC
Three U.K. lawmakers quit the Conservative Party and joined a recently-formed independent group in Parliament. Fariborz Moshirian of the UNSW Business School weighs in on the impact of this development. - 22 Feb 2019 | 2:43 AM

Discussing the relationship between Japan and Germany -- CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian of UNSW Business School discusses more ways Japan and Germany can cooperate with each other, apart from what has already been put into effect in the EU-Japan trade agreement. - 4 Feb 2019 |  12:47 AM

Analyst says a new plan on Brexit is not expected -- CNBC
While the prospect of a second referendum on Brexit is "always a possibility" and may arrive at a different outcome, the question remains over whether it would unify a nation that is "bruised" and "divided," says Fariborz Moshirian of UNSW Business School. - 21 Jan 2019 | 12:52 AM

The UK is divided and 'bruised' from Brexit: Professor -- CNBC
If U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal passes, the nation will be even more divided than it already is, says Fariborz Moshirian of the UNSW Business School. - 10 Jan 2019 | 10:59 PM

Possibility of calling off Brexit is 'quite likely': Professor -- CNBC
The possibility of calling off Brexit is "quite likely," but as yet politicians are reluctant to talk about it because it requires greater unity between parties, according to Fariborz Moshirian, professor at UNSW Business School. - 18 Dec 2018| 6:54 PM

France’s fuel protests story is ‘not over’: Professor -- CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian of UNSW Business School says the protests over France’s fuel tax hike show that people don’t like losing their standard of living in order to protect the environment. - 4 Dec 2018 | 5:58 PM

Professor discusses the possible scenarios for Brexit -- CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian of UNSW Business School explains why a second referendum on Brexit is likely to generate "the same tension." - 16 Nov 2018 | 12:10 AM

Will Brexit happen? -- ABC National Radio
University of Sydney's Professor Simon Tormey and University of New South Wales' Professor Fariborz Moshirian recount the Brexit process and lay out what could come next. - 15 Nov 2018 | 10:00 PM

Theresa May could win the 'battle' but lose the 'war': Professor -- CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian of UNSW Business School says British Prime Minister Theresa May faces "delicate issues" which could cause the United Kingdom to "lose its integrity." - 17 Oct 2018 | 11:34 PM

Discussing Theresa May's Brexit Chequers plan -- CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian of UNSW Business School says it will be "very difficult" for U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May to sell her Chequers plan to both her own party as well as the European Union. -September 30, 2018 | 9:32 PM

The US is isolating itself from the world economy -- CNBC
The U.S. is increasingly isolating itself from the world economy, while the European Union and Japan have stepped up to champion multilateral trade, says Fariborz Moshirian of UNSW Business School. -July 23, 2018 | 7:32 PM

'We are in a crisis in the UK,' says professor -- CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian, director of the Institute of Global Finance at the UNSW Business School, says more resignations from the U.K. cabinet are "possible" following the exit of Brexit and foreign secretaries David Davis and Boris Johnson respectively. -July 9, 2018| 8:03 PM

G-20 is set to talk free trade and protectionism: Professor -- CNBC
"There is no question" that the G-20 is going to address "the key point of free trade versus protectionism," says Fariborz Moshirian of UNSW Business School at the University of New South Wales. -March 18, 2018| 6:54PM

EU has 'every interest to make it difficult' for the UK to get a good... --CNBC
The U.K. walking away with a good Brexit deal would encourage other EU members to leave the pact, says Fariborz Moshirian from the UNSW Business School. -December 3, 2017| 7:44PM

Britain will need to listen to the European Union's terms on Brexit--CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian, director of the Institute of Global Finance at UNSW Business School, says Britain needs to pay heed to EU points on payment to leave the trade bloc. -November 19, 2017| 4:38PM

The euro zone should perform much better in the coming year--CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian, director of the Institute of Global Finance, UNSW Business School, said finance ministers in the euro zone are likely to cooperate more on keeping the economic growth story intact. -October 8, 2017 | 8:23PM

Euro zone growth picks up--CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian of the UNSW Business School weighs in on the euro zone's 0.6 percent on-quarter growth in the second quarter. -August 1, 2017 | 11AM

Professor Moshirian Says Brexit Is Unchartered Territory--Bloomberg
Fariborz Moshirian, professor of finance at University of New South Wales, discusses Brexit negotiations on "Bloomberg Markets: Asia." -July 18, 2017 | 3:14 PM

Climate Change, Trade on G-20 Agenda--CNBC
World leaders are keen to avoid singling the U.S. out as being non-cooperative as they tackle climate change, says Fariborz Moshirian, UNSW Business School. -July 6, 2017 | 10:53 PM

What to Expect From the Start of Brexit Negotiations--Bloomberg
University of New South Wales Professor Fariborz Moshirian weighs in on the start of Brexit negotiations. He speak on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia." -June 19, 2017 | 10:06 AM

How Brexit will impact the UK auto industry --CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian, UNSW Business School​, says the British economy will suffer when automakers and other high tech sectors relocate. -March 30, 2017 | 3:00 PM

Dutch elections may have a domino effect--CNBC
The victory of the center-right in Holland could influence elections in France, warns Fariborz Moshirian of UNSW Business School. -March 15, 2017 | 11:18 PM

Academic: Far right unlikely to win in Europe but... --CNBC
These parties will still be able to influence the direction of domestics policies, says Fariborz Moshirian at the UNSW Business School. -January 2, 2016 | 7:58 PM

UK budget reflects costs of leaving EU: Academic--CNBC
The U.K. budget statement released on Wednesday is the first fiscal assessment on the cost of Brexit, says Fariborz Moshirian at the UNSW Business School. -November 23, 2016 | 7:04 PM

Europe faces a 'nationalism vs globalism' issue--CNBC
Rising nationalism is hindering the European Union's efforts to move forward, says UNSW Business School's Fariborz Moshirian. -July 21, 2016 | 6:54PM

Brexit Fallout: What's Ahead for the EU?--Bloomberg
Fariborz Moshirian, director of the institute of global finance at the University of New South Wales, discusses the fallout from the Brexit referendum, its impact on European bank stocks and the push for an exit plan. He speaks to Bloomberg's Yvonne Man and Betty Liu on "Daybreak Asia." -June 30, 2016 | 10:25AM

EU thinks Cameron took too much risk: Academic--CNBC
UNSW's Fariborz Moshirian says several EU leaders believe that U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron underestimated the impact of the Brexit referendum. -June 28, 2016 | 6:54 PM

Could Britain shooting affect Brexit outcome?-- CNBC
UNSW Business School's Fariborz Moshirian explains that the shooting could change the psychology of the Brexit campaign, favoring the pro-EU camp. -June 16, 2016 | 6:46 PM

Academic: Expect tough Greece debt negotiations -- CNBC
The IMF is calling for unconditional debt relief for Greece which Germany disagrees with, says Fariborz Moshirian from UNSA's Institute of Global Finance. -May 23, 2016 | 7:00 PM

How effective are the ECB's policies? -- CNBC
UNSW Business School's Institute of Global Finance director, Fariborz Moshirian, discusses the ECB's policies after the central bank's meeting on Thursday. -April 22, 2016 | 9:30 AM

Academic: IMF wants a positive resolution for Greece -- CNBC
Fariboz Moshirian from the UNSW Business School believes the IMF is just trying to get the Greek government to commit to its austerity measures.  -April 4, 2016 | 12:27 AM

Greek talks breakdown sparks market jitters -- CNBC
Fariborz Moshirian, director of the Institute of Global Finance at the University of New South Wales, says markets fear a repeat of 2008's Lehman Brothers' collapse if the debt talks in Brussels stall. -February 17, 2015

G20 growth target can't be enforced -- The World Today
Peter Ryan reported this story on Monday -February 24, 2014

Nobel winning economist warns of Chinese financial risk – ABC PM
A visiting Nobel Prize winning economist doesn't see the Fed's stimulus tapering as a major threat to global financial stability. - December 19, 2013

Banking giants fined $2.5b for rate fixing cartel – The World Today
The European competition regulator has slapped its biggest ever cartel fine on some of the world's major banks - December 5, 2013

JP Morgan Chase agrees to $13 Bln settlement – The World Today
Well staying in the United States, the largest single settlement ever paid by a company to the United States government. - November 20, 2013

US reputation damaged by debt ceiling impasse – ABC AM
The political brinkmanship in Washington might be almost over, but it seems the reputation of the United States as a global economic power has been damaged. - October 17, 2013

United States' financial jitters could provide a boost to China's financial system – ABC News
The political brinkmanship in Washington might be almost over, but it seems the reputation of the United States as a global economic power has been damaged -17 October 2013

Warnings of global catastrophe is US can't pay its debts – ABC News
A global finance expert says warnings of global catastrophe if the US can't pay its debts are not overblown. The US is in a political deadlock as it fast approaches a deadline for raising its debt limit. Dr Fariborz Moshirian says the crisis could have serious implications for Australia and may even trigger a powershift in the global economy -4 October 2013

US shutdown spooks investors –The World Today
The prospect of a US government shutdown has stoked new fears that America's economic recovery could well have derailed - October 1, 2013

Emerging economies plan World Bank rival – ABC Radio National
The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa plan to set up a development bank in a direct snub to the World Bank -28 March 2013

Spotlight on Spain after bond sale - The Business - ABC News
After weeks of relative calm and signs of optimism, a disappointing Spanish bond sale has rekindled fears that the European debt crisis may be far from over. - 5 April 2012

Euro has to come ahead of national interests: professor - ABC News
Professor Fariborz Moshirian says leaders in the Eurozone need to create a united banking system. - 1 June 2012

Europe sells as Greece worries persist - The Business - ABC News
European markets have been spooked by news the European Central Bank has stopped lending to some of the shakier Greek banks. - 17 May 2012

No happy ending if Greece leaves Eurozone - economists - ABC News
There is an increasing likelihood of Greece exiting the Eurozone as the leftist parties expected to perform even better in the re-run election promise an end to severe austerity. However, many economists say a Greek exit would create chaos within - 17 May 2012 - 14 May 2012

Will Greece exit the Eurozone? - RN Drive - ABC Radio National
In a few hours Francois Hollande will be sworn in as France's new president. - 15 May 2012

The World Today - International markets look for certainty  
While global financial markets are likely to welcome the Greek parliaments vote to approve the latest austerity bill questions remain as to whether Greece has the ability to stick to the harsh terms - 13 February 2012

Euro has to come ahead of national interests: Professor – ABC News
Professor Fariborz Moshirian says leaders in the Eurozone need to create a united banking system. - 1 June 2012

Europe sells as Greece worries persist - The Business - ABC News
European markets have been spooked by news the European Central Bank has stopped lending to some of the shakier Greek banks. - 17 May 2012

International markets look for certainty – The World Today
While global financial markets are likely to welcome the Greek parliaments vote to approve the latest austerity bill questions remain as to whether Greece has the ability to stick to the harsh terms. - 13 February 2012

Greek impasse sees dollar slip below parity - ABC News
The Australian dollar dips below parity with the US dollar as investors seek safe havens amid fears Greece will be forced to exit the Eurozone. - 14 May 2012

Aust dollar teetering on parity – The World Today
The Australian dollar is on the edge of parity with the greenback as the Greece crisis deepens. Financial markets are also watching the slowdown in China as risk positions are reassessed. - 14 May 2012

Europe raises rates to curb price rises - PM
Europe may be in the middle of a sovereign debt crisis but its central bank has raised interest rates to contain inflation The benchmark interest rate has lifted 25 basis points to 15 per cent - 8 Jul 2011

Report says IMF failed to see global financial crisis 10/02/2011 – AM
The International Monetary Fund has been slammed by its own watchdog for failing to predict the global financial crisis The funds Independent Evaluation Office says the IMF provided few clear warning - 10 Feb 2011

Europe agrees on debt crisis deal 24/10/2011 – The World Today
The French President Nicolas Sarkozy has announced banks have agreed to take a 50 per cent writedown on Greek debt after a late-night meeting of European leaders in Brussels Asian markets and the - 24 Oct 2011

7.30 - ABC
FARIBORZ MOSHIRIAN, UNSW: I think the European leaders have to distinguish between the role of European Central Bank, which has got responsibility for interest rate and price of stability, not acting ... FARIBORZ MOSHIRIAN: The problem we facing in Europe is no longer debt crisis, it is leadership crisis, simply because we are looking at eurozone where we are at the mercy of

Spotlight on Spain after bond sale - The Business - ABC News
After weeks of relative calm and signs of optimism, a disappointing Spanish bond sale has rekindled fears that the European debt crisis may be far from over. - 5 Apr 2012

Euro has to come ahead of national interests: professor - ABC News
Professor Fariborz Moshirian says leaders in the eurozone need to create a united banking system. - 1 Jun 2012

Europe sells as Greece worries persist - The Business - ABC News
European markets have been spooked by news the European Central Bank has stopped lending to some of the shakier Greek banks. - 17 May 2012

No happy ending if Greece leaves eurozone - economists - ABC News
There is an increasing likelihood of Greece exiting the eurozone as the leftist parties expected to perform even better in the re-run election promise an end to severe austerity. However, many economists say a Greek exit would create chaos within - 17 May 2012

Former PM of Iceland faces court over economic meltdown - PM
Iceland's former prime minister faced court over his role in the global financial crisis of 2008 The failure of Icelands major banks was a spectacular example of the problems with easy borrowing and - 6 Sep 2011

Greek impasse sees dollar slip below parity - ABC News
The Australian dollar dips below parity with the US dollar as investors seek safe havens amid fears Greece will be forced to exit the eurozone. - 14 May 2012

Will Greece exit the eurozone? - RN Drive - ABC Radio National
In a few hours Francois Hollande will be sworn in as France's new president. - 15 May 2012

International markets look for certainty – The World Today
While global financial markets are likely to welcome the Greek parliaments vote to approve the latest austerity bill questions remain as to whether Greece has the ability to stick to the harsh terms - 13 Feb 2012

Greek bailout deal a step closer – The World Today
The leaders of Germany and France have struck a deal on the latest international bailout for Greece The head of the European Commission say an EU-wide agreement is needed urgently ahead of a summit - 21 Jul 2011

Inflation poses new threat to emerging Asia - ABC News
Surging inflation in emerging Asia has been cited as a serious concern in the global economic recovery. The president of the World Bank has warned that the world is 'one shock away from a full-blown crisis'. - 18 Apr 2011

Markets slump on Greek default 'certainty' - PM
Financial markets have now priced in a near certainty of Greece defaulting and are bracing for the fall-out Bank shares have led global market tumbles as investors seek safe havens away from possible - 12 Sep 2011

IMF ignored crisis warnings, watchdog finds - ABC News
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been slammed by its own watchdog, the Independent Evaluation Office, for failing to predict the global financial crisis. - 10 Feb 2011

Relief rally on debt deal but fears US AAA credit rating could be cut - PM
Global sharemarkets surged on the news of a political deal to lift the US borrowing limit just two days before the US government ran out of money But there is still a risk that international credit - 1 Aug 2011

Cloud over Australia's manufacturing industry - The World Today
Its a gloomy time to be working in manufacturing in Australia The Federal Government says it will try to encourage businesses or government departments to buy products manufactured in Australia bu - 23 Aug 2011

Australian share higher, led by resources and banks - PM
The resources sector and associated industries posted the biggest gains on the share market on a bounce in commodity prices The Australian dollar climbed back above 98 US cents - 7 Oct 2011

Analysts divided on Irelands banking crisis - Lateline Business
Analysts are divided on how the results of Irelands latest bank stress test will affect the ongoing European debt crisis - 31 Mar 2011

Share market slides as traders tip Greek default - The World Today
The Australian share market has followed steep falls on Wall Street and Europe at the end of last week with a slide of more than 3 per cent today All sectors have been sold off with banks particular - 12 Sep 2011

Market up after a week of extraordinary volatility - PM
This week saw unprecedented volatility on global financial markets Sovereign debt concerns have forced governments into uncomfortable political agreements and left investors anxious about the possible. - 12 Aug 2011

Inflation poses new threat to emerging Asia - ABC News
As the global economy continues its slow and bumpy recovery, there are concerns inflation in emerging Asian nations could spark another meltdown. - 18 Apr 2011